Multi-day event
5:30 pm
8:30 pm
18 Smith Square — London
AI Report Launch - with the Startup Coalition, Onward and TBI
On Thursday the 26th October we'll be coming together again to officially launch the first report of the Startup Coalition, Onward and TBI's joint AI Project.
On Thursday the 26th October we'll be coming together again to officially launch the first report of the Startup Coalition, Onward and TBI's joint AI Project.
Over the last few months we have been working with over 50 founders and ecosystem leaders to discuss what AI startups need to succeed and their bread and butter issues.
To celebrate the publication of our first report a very special guest speaker is expected.
Join us from 17:30 at 18 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HZ.
Please note the details below are subject to changes, with more details to come.
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Matt Clifford
Prime Minister's Representative for the AI Safety Summit
Dom Hallas
Executive Director, Startup Coalition