08:30 – 09:30
Check in
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09:30 – 11:00
AI and the future of work
Drawing on the latest, multidisciplinary research, this session will explore how innovation and the world of work can advance together, making AI work for the many. We will also explore how AI will change the skills needed over the next decade.
- Panel: Making the Future Work
Moderated by Anne-Marie Imafiedon - Fireside: Anna Thomas and Chloe Smith MP
- Panel: Bridging the AI Skills Gap
Moderated by Samuel Hanes
11:00 – 11:30
11:30 – 12:00
Building an AI safety culture - Auditorium
This session will explore two questions. How can the AI community learn from engineering to create a culture focused on safety? And what implications do different approaches to open-source AI development have for safety?
- Panel: How to engineer responsible AI
Moderated by Dr Hayaatun Sillem
Speakers: Katerina Spranger, Professor John McDermid, Rashik Parmar
Lifting the lid on AI in the workplace - Elliot room
This session will explore how AI is transforming the world of Human Resource Management. Panellists will discuss how ethical frameworks can guide the adoption of AI in sensitive areas of the workplace like HR and the challenges implicit in this, and how AI is helping manage the shift to a skills-based economy, facilitate improved productivity and a focus on more interesting, rewarding and valuable work.
- Panel: Lifting the lid on AI in the workplace
Moderated by Charlotte Pickles
Speakers: Andrea Berlin, Richard Doherty, Sue Daley, Ashleigh Ainsley, Anthony Lui
12:00 – 12:30
Striking the balance: Open Source in AI
This fireside chat will explore the intricate interplay between open-source development and generative AI. The conversation, between experts from GitHub and OpenUK, will look at the impact open-source has had on accelerating the pace of generative AI research, the benefits and risks of open-source generative AI models, and what some possible questions surrounding liability and safety might mean in practice.
- Fireside: Peter Cihon and Amanda Brock
12:30 – 13:30
AI & Law
For AI to realise the greatest good to the greatest number of people, it must be as fair and unbiased as possible. This session will include a conversation with an expert panel on how those biases arise, how they can be mitigated and what role lawmakers should consider in ensuring fair AI. Leaders from each of the UK regulators who form the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum - the CMA, Ofcom, the ICO and the FCA - will then discuss their cooperative initiatives in digital regulation.
- Panel: AI, fairness, bias and law
Moderated by Herbert Swaniker - Panel: View from the UK’s Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum
Moderated by Jonathan Kewley
15:00 – 15:30
15:30 – 16:30
AI and the information ecosystem: safeguarding democratic institutions and processes
A panel on AI, misinformation and democracy, with high profile speakers from civil society, academia and industry exploring the evidence of how AI can risk destabilising information ecosystems and democratic processes, as well as the active work to address and solve these risks with technical solutions.
- Panel: Elections, misinformation, democracy
Moderated by Lord Ed Vaizey - Keynote: Gabriela Ramos
Sai Bot AI Artist - The Sound of a Person
09:30 – 13:30 Thursday 2 November 2023
Sai Bot is the brainchild of Swiss artist Tobias Gutmann who, in a poetic gesture, has taught an artificial intelligence to draw. The AI, developed in collaboration with Swiss start-up Dazlus, is fed with thousands of portrait drawings Tobias Gutmann has created worldwide since 2012 as part of his Face-o-mat project. From this data set, Sai Bot learns and creates its own new combinations. Just come to Room Bronte B and get your portrait drawn by Sai Bot!
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