
Headshot of Ashleigh Ainsley
Ashleigh Ainsley
Co-Founder, Colorintech
Seyi Akiwowo
Founder, CEO, Author and Speaker, Glitch
Headshot of Jatin Aythora
Jatin Aythora
Director, Research & Development, BBC
Headshot of Azeem Azhar
Azeem Azhar
Founder, Exponential View
Headshot of Francine Bennett
Francine Bennett
Interim Director, Ada Lovelace Institute
Headshot of Marcus Bokkerink
Marcus Bokkerink
Chair, Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)
Headshot of Linda Bonyo
Linda Bonyo
Founder, Lawyers Hub
Amanda Brock
Headshot of Liam Budd
Liam Budd
Industrial Official - Audio and New Media, Equity UK
Headshot of Dorothy Chou
Dorothy Chou
Head of Policy & Public Engagement, Google DeepMind
Rumman Chowdhury
Rumman Chowdhury
CEO and Co-Founder, Humane Intelligence
Headshot of Nick Clegg
Nick Clegg
President, Global Affairs, Meta
Headshot of Dr Anna Colom
Dr Anna Colom
Public Participation and Research Lead, Ada Lovelace Institute
Headshot of Melanie Dawes
Melanie Dawes
Chief Executive, Ofcom
Headshot of Michelle Donelan
Michelle Donelan
Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology
Headshot of Dr Paul Dongha PhD
Dr Paul Dongha
Group Head of Data & AI Ethics, Lloyds Banking Group
Headshot of Isabelle Doran
Isabelle Doran
CEO, Association of Photographers
Headshot of Tania Duarte
Tania Duarte
Co-Founder and CEO, We and AI
Headshot of Rebecca Fitchett
Rebecca Fitchett
Partner, Milltown Partners
Clive Gilbert
Senior Policy and Research Manager
Headshot of Dr Abigail Gilbert
Dr Abigail Gilbert
Director of Praxis, IFOW
Headshot of Harriet Harmon
Harriet Harman
MP for Camberwell and Peckham
Headshot of Sara Hooker
Sara Hooker
Head of Cohere for AI
Headshot of Lila Ibrahim
Lila Ibrahim
Chief Operating Officer, Google DeepMind
Headshot of Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE
Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE
Founder and CEO, Stemettes
Headshot of Kate Jones
Kate Jones
Chief Executive Officer, Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum
Headshot of Adrian Joseph
Adrian Joseph OBE
Board Member, Direct Line Group & Advisor, BITC
Headshot of Jonathan Kewley
Jonathan Kewley
Partner, Co-head, Global Tech Group, Clifford Chance
Headshot of Sana Khareghani
Professor Sana Khareghani
Policy Lead, Responsible AI UK
Headshot of Justin King
Justin King
Director, Milltown Partners
Headshot of Resham Kotecha
Resham Kotecha
Global Head of Policy, The Open Data Institute
Headshot of Jonathan Lenson
Jonathan Lenson
CEO, Milltown Partners
Headshot of Anthony Lui
Anthony Lui
AI Value Engineer, Cognizant
Headshot of Prof John McDermid
Prof John A McDermid OBE FREng
Programme Director, Assuring Autonomy International Programme, and Professor of Software Engineering, University of York
Headshot of Matt McKnight
Matthew McKnight
General Manager, Biosecurity, Ginkgo Bioworks
Headshot of Moiya McTier
Dr. Moiya McTier
Author and Advisor, Human Artistry Campaign
Headshot of Claire Melamed
Claire Melamed
CEO, Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data
Headshot of Emran Mian
Emran Mian
Director General for Digital Technologies and Telecoms, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
Madhumita Murgia
AI Editor, Financial Times
Headshot of Dr Michal Nachmany
Dr Michal Nachmany
Founder and CEO, Climate Policy Radar
Headshot of Gina Neff
Professor Gina Neff
Executive Director of the Minderoo Centre for Technology and Democracy, University of Cambridge
Headshot of Cassidy Nelson
Dr Cassidy Nelson
Head of Biosecurity Policy, Centre for Long-Term Resilience
Headshot of Dr Brenda Ogembo
Dr Brenda Ogembo
Board Member, DemocracyNext
Headshot of Francesca Panetta
Francesca Panetta
Director, AKO Storytelling Institute, University of the Arts London
Headshot of Andy Parsons
Andy Parsons
Senior Director, Content Authenticity Initiative, Adobe
Headshot of Aidan Peppin
Aidan Peppin
Senior Consultant, Milltown Partners
Headshot of Deborah Raji
Deborah Raji
Fellow, Mozilla
Headshot of Professor Sarvapali (Gopal) Ramchurn
Prof. Sarvapali (Gopal) Ramchurn
CEO, Responsible AI UK
Gabriela Ramos
Assistant Director-General for the Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO
Headshot of Matilda Rhode
Matilda Rhode
Sector Lead AI and Cyber Security, British Standards Institute
Headshot of James Robertson
James Robertson
Director, Sortition Foundation
Headshot of Aaron Rosenburg
Aaron Rosenberg
Partner, Radical Ventures
Headshot of Jessica Rusu
Jessica Rusu
Chief Data, Information and Intelligence Officer, FCA
Headshot of Shaheen Sayed
Shaheen Sayed
CEO UK, Ireland, and Africa, Accenture
Headshot of Marietje Schaake
Marietje Schaake
International Policy Director, Stanford University Cyber Policy Center
Headshot of Gianluca Sergi
Gianluca Sergi
Professor of Film Industries, University of Nottingham
Headshot of Sir Nigel Shadbolt
Sir Nigel Shadbolt
Principal of Jesus College, Oxford; Professorial Research Fellow in the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford; Chairman of the Open Data Institute
Headshot of Toby Shevlane
Toby Shevlane
Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
Headshot of Dr Hayaatun Sillem CBE
Dr Hayaatun Sillem CBE
CEO, Royal Academy of Engineering
Headshot of Chloe Smith
Chloe Smith
MP for Norwich North
Headshot of Irene Solaiman
Irene Solaiman
Head of Global Policy at Hugging Face
Headshot of Nicola Soloman
Nicola Solomon
Chair, Creators’ Rights Alliance
headshot of Professor Jack Stilgoe
Professor Jack Stilgoe
Professor of Science and Technology Policy, UCL
Headshot of Herbert Swaniker
Herbert Swaniker
Senior Associate, Clifford Chance
Headshot of Anna Thomas
Anna Thomas
Co-Founder and Director, Institute for the Future of Work
Headshot of Anna Marie Wagner
Anna Marie Wagner
Head of AI and SVP Corporate Development, Ginkgo Bioworks
Headshot of Marc Warner
Marc Warner
CEO, Faculty
Headshot of Eleanor Warnock
Eleanor Warnock
Deputy Editor, Sifted
Headshot of Laura Weidinger
Laura Weidinger
Senior Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
Headshot of Gill Whitehead
Gill Whitehead
Group Director, Online Safety, Ofcom
Headshot of Greg Williams
Greg Williams
Editor, Wired UK
Headshot of Rich Wilson
Rich Wilson
Co-Founder, Iswe Foundation and The Global Assembly
Headshot of Wilson Wong
Wilson Wong
Head of Insight and Futures, CIPD
Headshot of Professor Michael Wooldridge
Professor Michael Wooldridge
Professor of Computer Science, University of Oxford
Kevin Allison
President and Head of Research, Minerva Technology Policy Advisors
Stephen Almond
Executive Director for Regulatory Risk, ICO
Michael Birtwistle
Associate Director, Ada Lovelace Institute
Mike Butcher MBE
Editor-at-large, TechCrunch
Sarah Chander
Senior Policy Advisor, European Digital Rights
Peter Cihon
Senior Policy Manager, GitHub
Matt Clifford
Prime Minister's Representative for the AI Safety Summit
Philip Colligan
CEO, Raspberry Pi
Chanell Daniels
Responsible AI Manager, Digital Catapult
Evan Davis
Journalist and presenter, BBC
Martha Lane Fox
Chancellor, Open University
Hollie Hamblett
Policy Specialist, Consumers International
Samuel Hanes
Director of Performance, Faculty
Will Hayter
Senior Director of DMU, CMA
Melissa Heikkilä
Senior Reporter for AI, MIT Technology Review
Gideon Henderson
Chief Scientific Adviser, Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Prof. Chris Johnson
Pro Vice Chancellor for Engineering and Physical Sciences, Queen’s University, Belfast
Yr Athro Matt Jones
Director, Morgan Advanced Studies Institute, University of Swansea
Peter Kyle
Shadow Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology
Yolanda Lannquist
Director, Global AI Governance
Prof. Dame Ottoline Leyser
Chief Executive of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)
Tim McGarr
AI Market Development Lead, British Standards Institution
Robert McLaren
Director of Policy, Policy Connect
Dame Angela McLean
Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government
Ambarish Mitra
Founder, GreyParrot
Cristina Muresan
University of Cambridge
Rashik Parmar MBE
Group Chief Executive of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT
Daniel Remler
AI Policy Coordinator, U.S. Department of State
Adam Leon Smith
CTO, Dragonfly
Katerina Spranger
Founder and CEO, Oxford Heartbeat
Yih-Choung Teh
Group Director, Strategy and Research, Ofcom
Rebecca Thomas
Work Lead, Equality and Human Rights Commission
John Thornhill
Innovation Editor, Financial Times
Lord Ed Vaizey
Chair, Common Sense Media UK
Prof. Shannon Vallor
Baillie Gifford Chair in the Ethics of Data and Artificial Intelligence at the Edinburgh Futures Institute
Professor Carissa Véliz
Tutorial Fellow in Philosophy, Hertford College
Sandra Wachter
Professor of Technology and Regulation, Oxford Internet Institute
Charlotte Watts
Chief Scientific Adviser, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
Milly Zimeta
Former Head of Public Policy at the Open Data Institute

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Contact us at hello@aifringe.org.